Have you heard of the Hot Air Balloon Festival? I heard about this 2 years ago and I've been wanting to experience it since then. Lucky me, some GABC friends are off to a Photography thingy in this event so I tagged along. I met with Mels, Aimee, Chie, Lala, Marvin and Master Edwin last Friday for this activity. After our rounds at Handyman (dating at a hardware store, y not!?! *wink* ), DBF and I met the group at Congo Grille, Trinoma. We wanted to eat at Gerry's Grill but the queue is so unreal... it was a jampacked Friday in most of the resto's. After our hi's and hello's, we enjoyed our sizzling tuna belly and grilled squid dinner plus ensaladang mangga. YUMMY! Too bad DBF had to leave right after dinner, he has to catch the last bus trip (as I tell myself, at least he agreed to have dinner). We continued to exchange stories and laughters while wondering where we'd spend the night at Clark. By 10PM, we're ready to leave... still with no Game Plan. Bye bye to Lala, as usual, she's not joining. Marvin, though a little under the weather, agreed to drive. Bratinellas with Aimee at the backseat and Master Edwin at the passenger seat. We reached Clark before 12MN and we went straight to the Festival Site. The guards surely thought we were very excited! "Excuse po, Sir, bawal pa po mag-park". Manong, we're just here to ask what time the ticket booth opens =) To be safe, he asked us to be back by 5AM. Okidoki! And now, let's go find a place to sleep. After our rounds at the Videoke Club infested streets of Clark... and the ooopps... SO NOT HERE please encounter at FLAMINGO, hahaha!=) Finally, finally, finally... we found a place for our Zzzz's. What's the Hotel name again? Nevermind. Let the photos tell you the whole story about our weekend of everything that FLIES... and NOT. Don't be blown away! :P
I woke up at 4:00AM to the tune of a TRANCE beat from N6300 alarming somewhere inside the room and immediately hit the showers. Thank God for Hot/Cold showers :D I survived!!! The Gurls met up with the Bois at the lobby as they we're already txtng... "ready na ba kayo?" Hmmn... nde sila masyadong excited! =)
Made it to CLARKsiyahan site this early.
Supposedly, the activities should start by 6AM. But due to strong winds, we waited until a little past 7AM before we witnessed the daily flag jump. A skydiver jumps with the Philippine flag while the National Anthem is played to signal the start of the day's activities.
FILMSTRIP by Kimb's Designs
FONT Irezumi
While waiting for the hot air balloon activity, we were entertained (err... annoyed) by Daddy Long Legs.
FILMSTRIP by Coralee Evans - MzCora
In addition to daily flights of the hot air balloons, other activities in the 12th PIHABF include skydiving, small planes fly-bys and fly-ins, remote controlled airplanes exhibitions, aerobatics, helicopter fly-ins and exhibitions, and kite flying exhibitions.
CREDITSTAMP CLUSTER by Lindsay Jane DesignsPhoto shoot while waiting for the hot air balloon flight and night glow.
CREDITSTAMP CLUSTER by Lindsay Jane Designs
Try and try.. and try... and try. Blow some more...
FILMSTRIP by Susan Wood Designs
We want hot air balloons... We want hot air balloons...
FILMSTRIP by Susan Wood Designs
Should we stay or should we go? Dumbidum...
CREDITSTAMP CLUSTER by Lindsay Jane Designs
It's time to meet the Nikon D40 crew. Drum roll please!!! =)
This is Marvin and more of his amazing shots can be found here. Driver na... serious Photographer pa! =)
PAPER All Torn Up by Retrodiva
FRAME Paper Bag Frame Cluster by Lindsay Jane Designs
FILMSTRIP by Coralee Evans - MzCora
STAPLE BEADS by Tracy King
ALPHA Choco Chipboard by Island Girl (MyScrapWorks)
FONT High Tower Text
Master Edwin and his shots like a PRO can be found here =) His great lens (18-200mm DX VR) really made wonders!!! *drool everyone*
PAPER by Helena Monteiro
FRAME by Merkeley Designs
FILMSTRIP by Gunhild Storeide
ALPHA Blocky by Dirty Feet Designs (Heather Benson)
FONT I Did This!
This is Mels and her shots can be (or cannot be) found here. But if you happen to visit her blog and the photos are not yet up... please go back again after a few more days (or months, haha!). Pardon the bee-sy gurl please *wink*
PAPER by Sugar Shack Scraps
FRAME by Sugar Shack Scraps
FILMSTRIP by Susan Wood Designs
DOODLES from Denim Flair by Kimb's Designs
FLOWERS from Denim Flair by Kimb's Designs
FONT Almagro
More nice photos from Aimee can be found here.
PAPER from Special Gift by Monica Larsen
FRAME from Round Kit by Audrey Neal - Audacious Designs
FILMSTRIP from Daisies by Helena Monteiro
DOODLES from Coulours of Tuscany by Chaos Lounge
ALPHA Pumpkin by June Schutrups - Cen's Designs
FONT International Playboy
So I guess... we'll just see (and hopefully ride) the balloons next year...ikstik