If you're looking for something cheesy you might want to skip this post, haha! It was a special Mass in Immaculate Concepcion Parish Church last November 24. What made it so special? Uhmmn... I was asked to do the first reading. Yeah, you heard me right. I was requested to read the Gospel in front of everyone. I was hesitant at first, afraid to miss a line, but i accepted. After all, it was something new for me so why not give it a shot. I remember all those times I was asked to read in the Friday mass in GABC especially when it's near my Bday week. I always decline as i have stage fright, hahaha! Did I mention I was also asked to wear a skirt since I'll be up there in the altar? I thought there'll be no problem as i have lots of skirts as you all know. But they specified that the skirt should either be black or brown, and below the knee. Hahaha, all i have are MINIs!!! LOL. Well good thing I managed to find one. So take a closer look, I made a LO for you to see, and a bonus photo with Bishop Antonio Tobias. He was flashing a brilliant SMILE!!! Father Rino was there too but i have no Paparazzi shot with him.

KIT Polkadot Rules from A Little Scrap of Me
FOLDED FRAME from Gunhild Storeide (recolored)
FONT Shirley
Tomorrow I will tell you about the ForMe Girls' Christmas party last Dec14. We had lots of fun. I'm still waiting for the other pics from Ali so you'll have to wait with me. Anyway, thanks to everyone who left a gift under my tree. The weekend is about to end. I hope you enjoyed yours.
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