After posting the hotdogs and beer pics (night out with Ex-GABC IPA friends) in Friendster, I received a lot of comments from my other GABC friends why I did not invite them. Guilty as charged! *wink* To make up, I arranged another get together, this time for a different set of friends. It's time for a reunion of some sort and a coming out dinner. Read on and you'll know why.
We met up in Blueginger (did I hear you say again!?!). Not that I am part of the Marketing Team of this bar and that I have a cut for every invited guests *heehee* I chose the place because I wanted them to hear the band that Rellie and I were able to catch playing last March. Only to find out that their schedule for the month of April is every Saturdays... boo. Anyway, everyone is present. Rellie, Ujin, Joy and me met at Robinson's Pioneer and we went to Blueginger together. Ron, Gerald, Erwin and Jamie were already there when we got in. Last but not the least, Alvin who is soooooooo oh soooooooo fashionably late also came with his new hot wheels. Drool everyone =) It's a night of overflowing BEER and HIRITs =) Too bad Joy had to go home early. She was not able to witness the "grilling mode" set up for Erwin and Jamie.

FRAME by Lindsay Jane Designs
FONT jr!hand
The couple blushed as they answer our curious questions on how and when the "friendship" turned into something more *yikee* I am a witness to the SMS and the YM messages that circulated when the news about "them" started. It pays to be online... all the time. I get updated with all the chismaks the world has to offer. SMILE. And who can forget about the YM status message that rocked the house down? The now famous, "Alam mo na kung 'Z'ino ka" *wink* In fairness, Erwin trusted me with their little secret the last time I asked him about it. After all, they have ME to thank as everything started pala in my Despedida Party last September. Personally, I think they look good together and I am happy that they found each other. Yikee!!! So Erwin, you will now live by the name... paloZ, and we need not explain why.
It was also a night of reminiscing about the pick up lines and escapades of my chickboy friends. ANG APAT NA ALAS. It feels great that I was able to arrange this dinner so they can join their chick magnet forces again.

TEMPLATE by Tracy King
PAPER by Petit Moineaux
PAPER by Amy W. Designs
PAPER by AmelieScrap
FONT Almagro
Laughter filled the rooftop as the guys make hirit one after the other. Laglagan Mode. Nobody wants to own the "Ace of Diamond" title. I was able to exercise my sense of humor with every nutty comment they say as they try to prove who's the most chickboy among them. It was a silly, insane, and downright goofy night. But who's keeping the "LOGBOOK" is still a mystery =) Hmmn...
Here are some of our group shots.

FRAME by Raspberry Road Designs

FRAME by Fayth

FRAME by Petit Moineauxs
Our master plan is to grill Gerald too... but things backfired on Ujin. The table turned and now it's the 3 ACES against 1 =)

FRAME by Bianca G.
"Your laughter is the best gift you can give to the universe,
so make it a belly laugh!"
so make it a belly laugh!"

FRAME by Petit Moineauxs
FONT Another
*Oh so thankful that he's a "good boy", hahaha! =)
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