I had dinner at Mr. Kabab today with the ForMe Girls to celebrate Mariel's birthday and her (long overdue) formal appointment as ForMe's Merchandise Manager. Yikee CONGRATS!!! =) Tatay Joey (Mariel's Hubby), was also there to celebrate with us. It was a fun dinner, I really had a great time. We took photos of course! =) Good thing I brought a camera as theirs is already lowbatt when I got there. Yeah, I resent the fact that I was an hour late =( I fell asleep and it's already 5PM when I woke up, and we're supposed to meet at 6PM. To make the long story short, they already ate when I got there.

FRAME by Holli Greer (Hollihobbi)
GIFT by Susan Wood
FONT Smiley Monster
Everyone agrees that she looks blooming nowadays so we all bet that she's having a girl =) She's expecting their third baby soon. Actually, Ali even sponsored Mariel's ultrasound (courtesy of her MOM) but they still have to go back as the baby is not in a normal position when they had it. We're all excited!!!
Here are the photos of the rest of the group.

FRAME by Digitreats
FONT Boyz R Gross NF

FRAME from Sweet Enough Kit by Ellie Lash
FLOWER by Kim Hill (CG Essentials)
BUTTON by Kim Hill (CG Essentials)
PAPER TEAR from Moving Day Kit by Susan Darter (Raspberry Road Designs)
FONT Eager Naturalist

FRAME from Daisy Kit by Sunfire
FONT Hey Gorgeous
Another shot, this time with Toni Boinks.

FRAME from Emma Kit by Amy Watson (Amy W. Designs)
FONT Gentle Redhead
There you go... meet the Girls of ForMe. Oh, I don't have a photo with Pam because she left early, Aiza didn't join this dinner treat, and Chim is in the US. Who else is missing!?! I really miss these girls and our fun time in the GABC office. The dinner seemed more like my party than Mariel's, hahaha! Take another look at the photos. I'm included in every shot =) How I wish Rina and Dimples were also there to celebrate with us.
When I got home, I received this cute SMS from Mariel...
"Dear Starlets and Veterans,
Thanks for having dinner with me and thanks for being terrific teammates.
Without your help, I wouldn't have kicked the 'T' from my title. :-D
Go Shanghai 2009! B-)"
Thanks for having dinner with me and thanks for being terrific teammates.
Without your help, I wouldn't have kicked the 'T' from my title. :-D
Go Shanghai 2009! B-)"
Oh well, I'm happy that things are getting smoother for the team. I hope they do win in the G.A. next year =)
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