I woke up with a dry cough. I went to SMNE in the afternoon and bought computer accessories for my DL. Passed by the Business Office of my DSL provider to pay bills but they are under renovation so I was requested to check their other BO. Darn! Which means I have to go to Zabarte
I met up with Kuks at Trinoma for dinner. We didn't stay long though, he brought me home right after dinner.

March 12, Thursday
I woke up with a heavy feeling. I think I am really going down with a flu. I really feel sick now. I went to Zabarte in the afternoon but I encountered bigger problems and now I'm starting to panic. I did press the panic button. I went to SM Fairview and bought some powercords for my DL. Had dinner at McDo after. Enjoyed it!
It's a little sad though that I can't have McFloat this time... my cough is starting to get worse. Went home. Passed by the market for some calamansi. I needed Vit C... loads of it. Mama went to my DL to give me meds. I hate taking medicines
(I think I got it from Mama). Anyway, that night I really felt sick. I was literally hiding under the sheets. I felt cold and uncomfortable. Rellie called me up and he wants to come over. He was so worried but I said no and I told him that I'll be fine in the morning. Or so I thought...

FRAME Val Gouveia
FONT Artistik
March 13, Friday
I was not able to sleep well last night and now I was feeling dizzy. My neighbor's dog kept on barking at 3AM. I felt scared and I'm starting to think that there's a burglar or something. The dog was really barking like crazy! Rellie came in the morning. He bought some more meds for me. Yaiks!
He didn't report for work so he can check me up. Awww... sweet!
I wish we were in a different situation. I wish he skipped work and I wasn't sick so we can go malling or watch a movie or just enjoy the rest of the day somewhere. Which reminds me of the pool reservation that I have to cancel because of this bug that hit me. Super wrong timing!!! Arrrghhh!!!
Kuks spent the day fixing things and setting up computers and networks in my DL while I was in bed resting.
March 14, Saturday

March 14, Saturday
I am still not feeling well. Colds and flu is now taking it's toll on me. My staff at the DL didn't report for work which made matters worse. Instead of resting, I have to be in my DL. Kuks was also working overtime with the wirings and all. He was trying to finish everything before he goes home to Cabiao. I really appreciate the fact that he was there to help me out, but I was really sad that we didn't have enough time to bond. He left at around 4PM. And I felt sad... really sad.
I should be in bed resting... but I am still thinking about how " my being sick" ruined my day.

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