My DSL line is still dead yeterday so I decided to unwind before I really go nuts. I sent an SMS. "Hi, are you busy? I'm free. Let's go over at Chi's?" After 5 seconds of not replyng to the message I sent, I called her mobile *hahaha, low EQ, I know* and told her about my plans. Still in shock, Myra said she's game but I have to wait until she finishes her motherly/wifey chores. "So, nde pwedeng NOW na?" I insisted. She said 5PM. Okay. Told her I'll get back at her as I have to ask Chi first, hahaha! Yeah... Chi doesn't know yet =) Called up Chie but there was no answer so I sent an SMS. I received a reply after a while... "Bakit 'Day, di-op mo?" *funny* This is it!!! Talked to her over the phone and it's all set. RAN online kept me busy while waiting... and I was so into it again I lost track of the time *sus* In short, I'm late and I got lost too *as usual* going to Chi's Condo unit in Mandaluyong. I arrived at 8:30PM, hehehe. "Cge, sabunutan nyo na ako!"
Myra Samaniego-Tria and Rachel Velasquez-Plana are two friends I met in UST during my Freshman year. Imagine how excited we are to see eachother again. *hugs* Both are already married, Chi has 1 cute boy named Justine, while Myra has 2, Jake and Sean. Oh yeah, I still have none *pressure* Our last get together was December 2006. And we are all thrilled about this "biglaan" dinner. Thanks to me!
Here's Chi in her dirty kitchen cooking Kare-Kare *ummmn... my favorite!* while Myra shares her story, and me capturing the moment, ehem... ehem...
FRAME from Simonela
I was not able to shoot pics while we were eating as Jolly (Chi's hubby) was also having dinner with us. I'm shyness =) Chi served Sinigang, Grilled Liempo, and Kare-Kare. Y-U-M. We had coffee and cookies after dinner while sharing each other's what's up. Female bonding.
FRAME Cluster Frame from SimonelaJustine on the side making funny antics. Maybe he was a little jealous that we have her Mommy's attention =)
We met 13 years ago...
FRAME from KPertiet
Happy CHICKS just like in our College days.
FRAME from Some Bunny Kit by KimB's Designs
Stories and Smiles until 1:00AM. We don't want to call it a night yet, but i know I have to return these ladies to their Hubby and Babies =)
FRAME Cluster Frame from Manu70Here's Justine... a little camera shy at first, but he gave in to the camera eventually =)
FRAME from Bright Dreams Kit by Tracy King
RIBBON from New years Eve Kit by Maria LaFrance
Myra, Rachel and i didn't graduate in UST... but we are very thankful that our paths crossed in that University.
*looking forward to our next dinner date