On my way home last March 14, my sister Jackee called me up to break the sad news. She's gone. We both knew she's in critical condition in ICU but we we're praying she'd be able to recover and finish her Batanes series (and write more stories). A person with a good heart and soul like her doesn't deserve to be lying in a hospital bed fighting for dear life. I know she still have a lot of stories, photos and learnings to share. SHE IS FULL OF LIFE. We attended her wake at Arlington yesterday. Songs from her Ipod is playing as her photos were displayed in an LCD. There were also a lot of framed pictures everywhere, most of them are familiar as I already saw them in her Blog. The shelves also diplayed the things she values... her digicams, DSLR (whom she fondly call Nathan, if I'm not mistaken), her books, a pair of havaianas (she owns a lot of those flipflops, 30++ or 40++ pairs I think), and a pack of Chocnuts. I wanted to cry while I was there but I just forced myself not to. I will definitely miss her. Her BLOG kept me company. I love reading her stories and I adore her snapshots. Like me, she loves to travel. Like me, she loves the beach. Like me, she loves to be sunkissed. Like me, she loves photos. Only that her passion is mine multiplied 10 times. Some may think I am over reacting as we are not really close friends. For sure we don't talk or hang out like normal friends do. But don't you find it weird that she's the only soul brave enough to leave love in my Chatbox (yeah, in case you didn't notice it yet, I have one on the right ===>). And I still have her Xmas SMS in my Inbox.
I am talking about *T*... and I know wherever she is, she'd still be spreading sunshine. How you left us TIEN will still be a puzzle... but I know you are in a better place.

FRAME from Cars Go Beep Beep Kit by August Designs
*goodbye TIEN
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